Looking for some gift ideas for a gluten free friend or something to add to your own holiday wish list, well I have a few suggestions of things you might enjoy:
-Gift certificate to
Rosie's Plate or
Twin Cakes Bakery for gluten free goodies
Toast It, Toaster bags to toast your gluten free bread in any toaster
-Gift subscription to a magazine that offers lots of gluten free ideas such as:
Living Without,
Gluten Free Living-Elisa
EZ Gluten testing kits for testing foods
-Gift certificate to a restaurant that offers a gluten free menu
see restaurant reviews-Personalized gluten free cereal from
Custom Choice Cereal-Registration Fee for "gluten free week" at
Camp Kanata-Attendance at a national support groups annual conference
Soy-Yer gluten free "play-dough"
-Great book released in 2010:
Real Life with Celiac Disease -Gift certificate to a gluten free cooking class
-Gift certificate for gluten free specialty products at local grocers or on line shopping sites
These are just a few of my ideas, if you have a great resource or product that others would enjoy leave a comment on Gluten Free Durham. We all learn from each other. Happy Holidays!
Note: I do not receive any compensation from the above companies mentioned.