Friday, March 20, 2009

Petition to the Raleigh City Council - Food Allergen Poster

Over the last few weeks, I have been thinking about new ways to improve the lives of those with Celiac Disease and/or another food allergies. Dining out in restaurants is a big issue for the estimated 12 million Americans with a food allergy. For those of us on a Gluten Free Diet, we are well aware of the dangers of eating out.

About this same time, I saw an interesting article about something the City Council of New York City did. The NYC City Council actually passed a law which requires restaurants to display a food allergy education poster and will fine locations $100 for non-compliance. I thought this was a great idea and would be a good starting point in the education of food service workers in the food allergy arena. Of course this does not guarantee that food allergy sufferers can have a safe meal, but it is a start down that path. Food service workers need to know what the allergies are and how to prevent cross-contamination.

So, I decided to email the Raleigh City Council about the issue and my proposal. I offered up my services on the creation of the poster and anything else they would need. I have not heard back as of yet. In the meantime, I created an online petition to gain a little more ammunition. Please take just a few minutes to read the petition and to sign it. The more signatures, the more the City Council will take this issue seriously. Thanks for your time and support!

Click here to sign the Food Allergy Education Poster Petition to the City Council of Raleigh, North Carolina.


Debbie Jongkind,RD,LDN said...

I believe The Gluten Intolerance Group uses posters in their Restaurant certification program. The posters can be placed in the kitchen for review of food service workers.

Zach said...

Are they for Gluten only or all allergies? This petition is for the posting of posters with all food allergies not just gluten.

Debbie Jongkind,RD,LDN said...

Just saw your question. I believe GIG poster may just list gluten. There are very good food allergy posters for download at the food allergy and anaphylaxis network site, which I have used in some inservice education with kitchen staff. Check them out at: